Topic: Airbnb in sectional title
Date: 1 October 2017
Interviewer: Africa Melane on 567 CapeTalk radio station

During this interview, Zerlinda discusses the rights of owners to let their units in sectional title schemes on a short-term basis, and the responsibilities of the trustees in ensuring that the rules of the body corporate are upheld. As the Sectional Title Schemes Management Act doesn’t provide any guidance on this, trustees and others involved in the management of the scheme must review the two sets of rules and either prohibit or regulate short-term letting within their given scheme.

Should you have any queries relating to this topic, contact me, Zerlinda van der Merwe, via email at or telephonically on 021 686 3950, for a non-obligation quote. Alternatively, contact us telephonically for a 10-minute telephonic consultation at a cost of R490.00 (incl. VAT).


Zerlinda van der Merwe is an admitted Attorney of the High Court, specialist Sectional Title Attorney (BA, LLB, LLM), Zerlinda brings a wealth of experience and forms part of the Paddocks Private Consulting Division.