By Liam Burke
Liam BurkeVuyisani Kala completed the UCT Sectional Title Scheme Management course through Paddocks in 2013. Earlier this year Liam Burke, Paddocks Sales and Marketing Executive sat down with Vuyisani to chat to him about the course and his career goals.
Vuyisani, where did you grow up?

I grew up in Saldanha bay, however, we left there in 1996, when my father unfortunately lost his  job (I was six years old at the time). Years later, we went back to my home town in Eastern Cape called Willowvale.How did you and Mike Addison start working together?
I started in a programme called BBN, where they taught us about business and how to become job creators.This was around January 2011. We were a class of about 30 students, some dropped out, I followed through to the end though. From then onwards Mike Addison was interested in my full potential, and that’s where he gave me an amazing opportunity. I was so incredibly grateful!
Prof Paddock, Aton Kelly and Vuyisani
What do you enjoy most about Sectional Title?
Inspecting the building and seeing owners. This is in order to understand people that I’m working with and understanding their challenges.

Did you find that the UCT Sectional Title Scheme Management course has helped you in your career and knowledge of the industry?
It has really helped me and I believe there is nothing can stop me now. What I need now is to work hard to obtain experience and to build my confidence.

Would you consider doing another course with us at a later stage?
Yes – definitely!

How did you find studying online?
It was fun and enjoyed the experience – thanks to Paddocks!

Article reference:
Paddocks Press: Volume 9, Issue 5, Page 3
This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution license


  • Ted 7 Judi McDonald
    11/11/2017 10:13

    Our unit has developed an under ground water pipe leak. The body corporate say our responsibility We say common property. The cost of repairs R16 000
    Whose responsibity.

    Thank you

  • Sean Kriek
    14/08/2019 17:23

    I am interested in getting advice on enclosing my balcony – I am living in a sectional title unit in Johannesburg and the body corporate is trying to avoiding calling a special general meeting to obtain consensus from the owners on whether this may be done.

  • Kgami Ramodibe
    29/12/2019 09:48


    I own 4 units in a complex of only 6 units, which makes me a majority owner. My intention is to own the whole block. My question is that, can l force the other two to sell for me?

    What are my rights as the majority owner. Can I impose rules like security, allocating parking etc?

    • Paddocks
      10/01/2020 09:10

      Hi Kgami,

      Thank you for your comment. However, we do not provide free advice. Please email us on with regards to your matter, and we can provide you with a no-obligation quote, so that we can assist you.

      Kind regards,