By the Paddocks Club team

Below are examples of two questions on the Paddocks Club discussion forum. We want to show you what is available to our Community members!

Maintenance on garages

Member’s question:

Dear Paddocks,

We manage a complex that has old wooden garage doors that need to be replaced.

Would this expense be for the body corporate to pay or would each individual owner be responsible?

Thank you

Anton’s answer:


The responsibility for the replacement depends on whether the garages are sections or exclusive use areas.

If they are sections, the body corporate would make the replacement but the cost would be shared between the body corporate and the owner concerned because the median line runs through the door.

If the garage is an exclusive use area, the body corporate would do the replacement and recover the cost from the owner, ideally from the added contributions the owner should be paying to cover the body corporate costs regarding the area.

Special levy payments

Member’s question:

If a special levy has been implemented and an owner cannot afford to pay the special levy in the agreed upon time can the trustees agree to an arrangement to pay off the special levy with the owner.

Anton’s answer:


Yes, the trustees have the discretion to set installments and when they must be paid.

But they must be very careful in accommodating owner’s personal needs because they must be reasonable and fair to all members.

Article reference: Paddocks Press: Volume 12, Issue 06, Page 04.

Professor Graham Paddock, Anton Kelly, Dr Carryn Melissa Durham and Zerlinda van der Merwe are available to answer questions on the Paddocks Club discussion forum for Community members. Get all your questions answered by joining Paddocks Club.

This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution license.

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1 Comment.

  • mike freeman
    18/07/2017 18:50

    But a wooden garage door is fixed to the inside wall of a section, not on the median line.