By The Paddocks Club Team

Below are examples of two questions on the Paddocks Club discussion forum. We want to show you what is available to our Community members!

Trustee – Owner Conflict

Member’s question:

One of the trustees is in constant conflict with a specific owner and the situation is becoming very irritating to the other trustees and causing conflict.

The chairman is of the opinion that this particular trustee is very petty and creates unnecessary conflict.

Can the chairman request this trustee to resign?

Anton’s answer:

There would be nothing to stop the chairperson asking the trustee to resign but, it is not possible to force the resignation. Any such attempt would certainly generate personal animosity, which should be avoided if at all possible. These people are neighbours, after all.

Perhaps the best course would be to try and promote someone else as a trustee in the lead up to the next Annual General Meeting, and try and get that person elected instead.

It is a difficult situation.

Annual General Meeting Proceedings

Member’s question:

What is the legal process for running a successful Annual General Meeting (before the meeting, during the meeting and post meeting)?

Carryn’s answer:

The correct legal procedures to be followed to run a successful Annual General Meeting are far to detailed to describe on a post.

Annual General Meetings are dealt with in Prescribed Management Rule 55 – Prescribed Management Rule 67. These rules set out issues such as the agenda items; the quorum requirements; the chairman; voting requirements and proxies.

There are other rules that deal with Annual General Meetings too. For example Prescribed Management Rule 36 – Prescribed Management Rule 40 deals with the annual financial estimate, financial and chairperson’s report and the audit.

Have a look at the Survival Manual (Available in the library) as it is dealt with in item 10.16

Article reference: Paddocks Press: Volume 10, Issue 1, Page 6.

Professor Graham Paddock, Anton Kelly and Carryn Durham are available to answer questions on the Paddocks Club discussion forum for Community members. Get all your questions answered by joining Paddocks Club.

This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution license.

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