What am I doing—apart from enjoying my semi-retirement? Working on a variety of new books.

The Sectional Titles Schemes Management Navigator eBook was launched last week. This is something we have been working on for some time. The seed for this book was planted twenty years ago when a Sectional Title Scheme Manager short course student in Johannesburg asked/said: “What are we going to do when you die? We need to pickle your brain!”

Interesting…The idea of allowing other people to identify parts of the law and commentary relevant to a particular problem or issue very quickly… So in Paddocks Club, I created a comprehensive index that listed, for each subject/issue/topic, all the references to the Act, the prescribed rules as well as specific and general commentaries.

The Sectional Titles Schemes Management Navigator makes this comprehensive index more widely available as an eBook with comprehensive hyperlinks within the text. Buy this eBook if you want to be able to very quickly put your finger on the law relevant to any issue. With this on your smartphone, tablet or computer, you will never be at a disadvantage in any sectional title debate!

Sectional Titles Schemes Management Navigator eBook – Click here to buy now

There are a number of other eBooks in production, but I expect that the next few will be subject-specific collections of CSOS orders that show you what you, or your clients, can expect if you take a particular matter to adjudication.

Thank you for your time and interest.

Graham Paddock is a specialist community schemes attorney, notary and conveyancer. He has been advising clients and teaching students for over 40 years, and was an adjunct professor at UCT for 10 years.

Article reference: Paddocks Press: Volume 16, Issue 4.

This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution license.

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