CSOS Casebook: Orders in terms of section 39(2)(b) of the Community Schemes Ombud Service Act dealing with Animals in a Scheme

R395.00 incl. VAT

The CSOS can give orders that are related to animals in a scheme (orders under section 39(2)(b) of the CSOS Act). In this eBook, Professor CG van der Merwe analyses and comments on the published CSOS orders dealing with this issue. Buy this eBook if you need to know how CSOS deals with this type of dispute and what problems may arise when you make or defend this type of claim in CSOS proceedings.

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CSOS Order Casebook – Animals in a Scheme

The CSOS can give orders that are related to animals in a scheme (orders under section 39(2)(b) of the CSOS Act). In this eBook, Professor CG van der Merwe analyses and comments on the published CSOS orders dealing with this issue. Buy this eBook if you need to know how CSOS deals with this type of dispute and what problems may arise when you make or defend this type of claim in CSOS proceedings.