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How does an owner in a sectional title scheme go about getting a carport erected over the parking bay that he or she uses? What approval is required and what processes must be followed? Taxation
The taxation of community schemes
Community schemes as a term includes bodies corporate, home owners’ associations, shareblock companies and the like. While SARS does not use this terminology itself, given the changes to legislation affecting these forms of entities, it is the most fitting way to include all these in reference to how SARS taxes these entities.
In this article, Clint provides clarity on which tax approach is needed for community schemes. (reading time: ± 2 mins)
Tips for building sectional title schemes
A sectional title development involves a number of professionals. Most of these professionals claim to be of utmost importance to the development, and arguably they are. However, experienced developers might suggest that having a suitably registered land surveyor on board from the very beginning saves time and money. After all, it is the land surveyor who is not only the first on site, but also the last!
In this article, Martin provides useful suggestions to keep in mind when beginning to erect a building that is a sectional title scheme. (reading time: ± 2 mins)
Monthly Q&A
This month, we cover the following topics in our Q&A section:
• Is a new owner liable for a special levy?
• Can rules and architectural guidelines be in an amendable document? (reading time: ± 1 min)
UCT (Law@Work) Sectional Title Scheme Management course
(Early bird promotion – Save R750)
Registrations close: 25 November 2011
Be equipped to manage sectional title schemes according to the legal aspects of scheme management with this benchmark course.
Click here for further details on this
Home Owners’ Association Management course
Registrations close: 2012 - to be confirmed
Learn all about the legal aspects of home owners’ association (HOA) management.
Click here for further details on this